Friday, September 17, 2010


A Rainbow photo taken by my Dad
Rainbows have always held a special place in my heart. Some of my earliest memories are of my Dad taking me outside to look at a rainbow. Sometimes it was only the faintest bit of color in the sky. Sometimes only a half rainbow. And sometimes a great big double rainbow. I always held those special moments with great awe at the beauties of the world around me. I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful than a rainbow.

When my Dad passed away from cancer many years ago, one of the few things he left me was an assortment of photographs he'd taken through the years. Most of the photos were of his myriad of hunting and fishing trips. I'm really not into hunting and fishing. I don't believe in killing those gorgeous creatures put on our earth. But my Dad grew up in a time when hunting and fishing was something most guys did. And he didn't do it just for the trophy. I grew up eating all those fish and that venison. I was raised on what my father, the hunter/fisherman, brought home to the family. I look back and think my Dad must have been a throw-back to frontier times, or older yet, to his Danish Viking roots. 

Though I didn't inherit my Dad's desire to hunt and fish, I did inherit his love of beauty, a love of nature in it's purest form. So, from my Dad, I inherited a love of rainbows. The rainbow photo in this post is one of the ones my Dad left to me. I think it was taken of June Lake, which was one of his favorite spots, but I can't be sure. When I look at the photo I think of my Dad and it brings back those early days when he and I gazed at  those awesome rainbows in the sky.

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